
Retirement: Building Your Portfolio


Retirement: Building Your Portfolio

As some would say: “Retirement is the world’s longest coffee break. Enjoy your coffee!” It is a chapter in life where one has finally called it quits. It’s not having to commit to a 9 to 5 job every day; instead, it’s spending time with your family and building hobbies. Retirement is a point in life that most people look forward to. However, this part of life isn’t all fun and games. It may be bittersweet for some because it also means letting go of that employee compensation and bonuses. There are a ton of “what ifs.” What if I don’t have enough? What if I run out of retirement money? Well, it’s a good thing you’ve come to the right place! Let me help you ease your “what ifs” or your doubts by giving you some tips on building your portfolio.

An adequately structured retirement portfolio will ensure that you will be covered for the rest of your life. Your portfolio will serve as a bucket for all your accounts. These may be your 401(k)s, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), mutual funds, stocks, bonds, and properties like real estate. Collectively, these assets form your investment portfolio. Furthermore, a balanced portfolio is a diverse portfolio. This means it should contain a mix of fixed income and volatile investments. The fickle investments like stocks which may provide you with gain or profit, in the long run, will be your key to hedging the impact of market conditions such as inflation. On the other hand, the fixed income will be your storage of funds to offset or reduce the irregularity or risk brought by the volatile portion. Ironically, to avoid drying out your retirement accounts, remember the DRY Formula.


1. Diversify

Age is a significant factor in portfolio diversification. In your early years, you may be geared towards high-risk equity investments. While in your later years, the 40s to 50s, you have to focus more on conservative ones like bonds and preferred stocks, for they pose lower risks. Diversification in your portfolio help lessens the risk of each of your varying investment vehicles.

2. Reconfigure

You have to think about reconfiguring and reducing the risk of your investments approaching the retirement age. It would help if you diverted your attention more on preserving your savings or income than volatile or risky investment. This doesn’t necessarily mean removing such investments but having a more prominent part for capital preservation.

3. Yield

In retirement, having your savings from when you were employed is quite risky. You may end up not having enough. Relying solely on the value of your money from years ago might reduce your purchasing power. There may be changes in the markets and the economy, in general, as time passes. One of these is inflation – the rate of rising prices

over some time. It is essential to have a fast-growing portion alongside the rocketing inflation in your portfolio. Having that will help protect you against inflation.


The Portfolio Evolution

1. Growth Portfolio

Consider this as a “kindergarten” portfolio. This type favors those with a longer horizon – far from the retirement age. This is ideal for those in their 20s—those people who are just starting to build their careers as employees. This aims to accelerate the growth of your retirement accounts. Growth portfolios may consist of high-yield investments which will generate more profit in the long run.

Blueprint of Growth Portfolio

• Varying Investments. Invest in alternative investments. These alternatives yield returns during drops in traditional investments like stocks and bonds. Alternative investments may include private equities or real estate and also hedge funds. This type of investment is inversely proportional to conventional investments. Therefore, even if your stock prices have dropped, alternatives may provide you with returns.

• Decreased Risk. Please do not abandon your high-yield stocks but instead mix them with those with guaranteed returns, such as dividend stocks. To offset the fickleness of risky investments.

• Profit-Generating Assets. As mentioned, growth portfolios increase the value of your retirement savings. So, seek investments with greater returns.

2. Balanced or Total Return Portfolio

A balanced portfolio is a moderate and diverse portfolio. It is a split between volatility and capital preservation. You may use the traditional investment approach – 30% stocks & 70% bonds. The balance of investments in your portfolio depends on the market conditions.


Blueprint of Balanced Portfolio

• Risk-Reward. Evaluate if the assets you are investing in are worth it. There will always be risks when it comes to investments. However, assess whether these risks will provide you with higher returns or not.

• Targeted Funds. You do not have to start creating your portfolio from scratch. TDFs or target-date funds provide you a blend of several accounts – fixed income and equities. TDFs will help balance your retirement savings.

3. Income or Guaranteed Portfolio

This portfolio is the most conservative. Its primary purpose is to provide the holder with a source of income that generates more value over time. This entails having a portfolio focused on safe investments to generate a fixed return upon retirement.

Blueprint of Guaranteed Portfolio

• Bonds. Treasury bonds are still common in an income portfolio; however, it may also be wise to combine them with other types of bonds – corporate and global bonds. Businesses offer a corporate bond. A debt instrument certifies that the firm owes an investor money to be paid in interest. At the same time, a global or international bond is issued and traded in the country’s currency where it originated from.


• Stocks. When building an income portfolio, investing in equity income funds that offer compounding dividends is essential. Dividends are the profit you will get once you buy a company’s stocks.

• Real Estate. Another income-generating investment is real estate investment trusts (REITs). Through REITs, you may receive returns, in dividends, without purchasing properties yourself.

• Exchange-Traded Funds. ETFs, not only generate income but also diversify your portfolio. Exchange-traded funds contain different asset classes that may be traded the way stocks are.

Each portfolio has its own sets of pros and cons that you need to review before building one. Portfolio structures also vary depending on the needs and age of an individual. Nevertheless, whatever set of investments you have in your portfolio, make sure that it will help cover and increase the value of your retirement accounts.

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