
Retirement Money: It’s Running Out!


Retirement Money: It’s Running Out!

Not having enough is one of the main reasons why people fear retirement. That is understandable. Why wouldn’t you be concerned if you’re running out of money, especially knowing you have your regular employee income anymore, right? It is normal to be worried. Several needs must be attended to, such as rocketing medical bills and care facility fees. Moreover, there is this rising inflation, which the whole globe faces — one expense on top of the other.

Assess your current situation. Discern whether you are indeed running out of money or just running low. You are most likely just running low when you have to cut minimal costs. On the other hand, you have probably run out if you have dried out all your account and finances. Here are some of the possible reasons why you might be running out:


1. Underestimating Life Expectancy

You may have thought that you have a few years left after retirement. You have laid out a plan; however, it is only for a short period. When this happens, you might not sustain your living expenses outside the time frame you have prepared for. You failed to stretch your savings for a couple more years. You may have thought that you have less than 15 years left after retiring at 65 but ended up living up until your 90s. Therefore, you only have savings for the first half of your retirement.

2. Choosing the Wrong Investments

After retirement, you are living your everyday life mostly on your savings. You are primarily reliant on what you have stored in the previous years for your retirement. You may have failed to research and thoroughly go through your investment portfolio. The thing about investing after retiring is that you have to pick conservative investments. You may want to drive away from too much risk if you have invested in large caps like stocks.


3. Not Properly Managing Your Expenses

Retirement is the time when you can let go of your worries. People retire for the very reason of relaxing. You are probably done with being boxed in schedules day by day, and you want to have some time for yourself. However, you tend to live too much in the moment because you are given the freedom to pursue your interests and develop new hobbies. I get it. After working for decades, you would want to buy and experience what you have put on hold all those years. But, keep in mind that money is not unlimited.

4. Relying on One Income Source

You may have thought that your Social Security was more than enough. You failed to realize that a single income stream would not keep you comfortable for the rest of your life. The thing is, there are endless possibilities of what might happen after retirement.

Whether you have Social Security or your employee benefit, having one is not enough to keep you standing for the following years.

5. Failing to Take into Account Your Medical Bills

Maybe you are one of those who were always in shape and healthy. You watch your diet. You are exercising regularly. You do your best to keep yourself fit and in check. But even if that’s the case, things may happen. You may have never anticipated it, but you may be struck by a chronic illness or even a virus, like today’s pandemic. Old age deteriorates our immune system – our health. Furthermore, the costs of care and hospitalization have skyrocketed over the years. If you have not prepared yourself for these, it may lead to poverty.


6. Not Purchasing an Insurance Policy

One of the many mistakes that people make is skipping insurance. When you grow older, medical expenses are not your only concern. Road or vehicular accidents are more likely to happen as you grow older. When they do, and you don’t have any insurance to cover the damages and injuries, you will be paying for everything out of your pocket. This may drain all your savings. Hence, it is better to pay premiums than pay a huge amount for these liabilities.

7. Withdrawing Too Much

Let’s say you did save. You planned for your retirement, decided to open an account, and stored funds. At the same time, you were in your 30s or 40s, and you have tons of credit cards and wants that you feel like spending money on. It’s tempting. So, you tap into your retirement account, thinking it’s decades away. You withdraw your stored funds one after another until it runs out. And you have only realized that once you are already nearing your retirement or worse, at retirement.

8. Using the Wrong Accounts

Retirement accounts vary. Some people are wise enough to know that having a single income source is not enough. Hence, they set up multiple retirement accounts. However, they fail to manage those appropriately. You may have several accounts to tap into, but you neglect to choose where exactly to draw funds from. In the end, the probability of losing money is still inevitable. The general rule of thumb when using your retirement accounts is first to exhaust taxable ones. So, your tax-deferred accounts will accumulate more before the withdrawal.


What Can I Do to Turn Things Around?

Running out of money at retirement does not necessarily mean having nothing at all - zero. It only means that you may have exhausted all of the funds you have saved up for your retirement. You may still have other assets that you can liquidate to keep your source of income. To slowly regain your footing, take note of the 2Cs.

1. Create

Make a detailed list of all your transactions. Take into account your previous, current, and future expenses. Your historical transactions will give you an idea of what could have gone wrong for you to avoid such costs in the future. Second, your current expenses will be the starting point for your new budget. Lastly, the future ones will help you anticipate a more precise amount of funding needed in the next few years.


2. Calculate

After laying out all of your expenses, budget your remaining income. If possible, try to look for a part-time if you think you need more income to keep you going. You also have to cut down your expenses for your finances to last you longer. Moreover, you may also give up some of your assets to provide for long-term care expenses or potential medical bills. You may have to go through significant changes to give you a head start.

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